Obtaining Certification is a testament to our commitment to organic agriculture and the research and development of products that meet high standards of quality while being sustainable and environmentally friendly.

As a reward for our ongoing efforts in organic farming, Inpasa del Paraguay has successfully certified its Clarified Corn Oil with the OMRI certificate. This certification was obtained on July 19, 2022.

Clarified Corn Oil serves as a raw material for food refining, cosmetics manufacturing, home and personal care products, phytosanitary control, other animal food uses, as well as for the production of lubricants, biodiesel, fuel, and oil-derived chemicals or products containing them.

OMRI contributes to maintaining organic integrity by developing clear information and providing guidance on materials, so organic producers are informed about which products are suitable for their operations.

The use of OMRI-certified inputs facilitates the organic certification process for farmers. In this way, our customers will have greater ease in accessing the organic market in the United States.
